With the arrival of spring, your garden comes back to life. Trees sprout new leaves, flowers bloom, and preparations for the warmer season begin. Take this time to check your tools, address any equipment needs, and take advantage of the moist soil for easier cultivation.
Bring back the colors of your garden in spring!
If you planted bulbs like tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils in autumn, now is their time to awaken. Watching them bloom in vibrant colors is one of the greatest joys of spring. If you didn’t plant these bulbs, you can still buy blooming hyacinths to create the same effect. Additionally, you can bring out potted plants stored in sheltered areas during winter and place them back in their spots.
Would you like to see vibrant flowers and fresh vegetable seedlings growing in your garden? You can create vegetable beds for this purpose. But first, aerate the soil and enrich it with animal manure.
One of the essential steps in spring garden care is pruning. Trees need regular pruning to grow healthily and strongly. Spring is the best time for this task. Prune broken, crushed, or crooked branches in woody plants, and shape ornamental trees, shrubs, and hedge plants. Fruit trees, roses, and hydrangeas should be pruned by the second week of March.
Plants emerging from winter require nutritional support during their awakening period. Fruit trees, in particular, need phosphorus-rich fertilizers to boost flowering and fruit production. Additionally, pest control should start in March to protect your plants.
Note: Spring also awakens plant pests and diseases. Use insecticides and fungicides together to prevent damage.
By following these steps, your garden will flourish, offering vibrant colors and healthy plants throughout the season.